Adam Laufer, owner of World Treehouses in #Asheville NC, loves to create treehouses that are stable, long-lasting and bring the joy and connection of the forest to human beings throughout our region.
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World Treehouses’ Brevard NC project is going up! Here’s a photo from talented World Treehouser Chukk Bruursema. When not helping Adam Laufer install giant beams into willing trees in Asheville and the surrounding area, Chukk is building artistic interiors and imaginative signs for local brewpubs and businesses, making groundbreaking art, playing music and taking photos. See some more of his work at We appreciate your help, Chukk! Always happy to get back in the saddle and do some aerial rigging and construction. Jumped in with my good friend Adam of @worldtreehouses9 This project he designed up is gonna be sweet! #treehousebuilding #garnierlimbs #Zdrag #mechanicaladvantage #pulleys #rigging #fun A photo posted by Chukk Bruursema (@chukkb) on Apr 13, 2016 at 6:20pm PDT
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