Asheville treehouse builder : Panthertown Railing Detail 1
Asheville treehouse builder : Panthertown Railing Detail 1 It’s all in the details! With recycled materials or branches and trees harvested from the forest around our recent Panthertown wilderness project, our team of craftsmen filled this custom treehouse with special details. The natural grain pattern in this locust-branch railing helps the owners of this treehouse and their guests revel in the exquisite beauty of the natural world and the trees. View more photos of this western North Carolina treehouse in the Panthertown wilderness. We’ll be posting many more photos in the upcoming weeks. View our blog for even more. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your tree house. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.