WNC treehouse builders

WNC treehouse builders : Tree and House

WNC treehouse builders: Tree and House Does the tree love its treehouse? We certainly do our best to ensure that it does! As you can see in this detail of our downtown Asheville treehouse, completed in the summer of 2018, our treehouses are integrated lovingly in and around the trees in which we build, and the hardware we use to attach house to tree are designed for minimal impact and disturbance to the tree’s trunk, branches, and natural growth habit. >View more photos of this downtown Asheville treehouse. We’ll be posting many more photos in the upcoming weeks. View our blog for even more. And stay tuned for the latest on our new tree house project, which is being built deep in the verdant heart of the Appalachian mountains. >View photos of this Asheville treehouse under construction in a past post. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your tree house. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area […]

WNC tree house builder

WNC tree house builder:View from Below

WNC tree house builder:View from Below R-E-A-C-H up to the 30-foot-high foundation of our two-story treehouse in Panthertown. This treehouse will be used as a guest house and spare bedroom, and like many of our projects, it is just for being with the trees. It will have electricity, but no plumbing. >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.

Western NC treehouse builder

Western NC treehouse builder: A house like a tree!

Western NC treehouse builder: A house like a tree! How much can a house be like a tree? Higher and higher you climb inside our downtown Asheville treehouse and look down over it’s loft’s tree-branch railing on details like barked corners and whimsical fairy-tale window trim. Can you spot World Treehouses’ owner, Adam Laufer, in this shot? Look close…he’s about to blend in with the tree, as well. We guess that’s what comes from spending most of his time in the branches! >View more photos of this downtown Asheville treehouse. We’ll be posting many more photos in the upcoming weeks. View our blog for even more. And stay tuned for the latest on our new tree house project, which is being built deep in the verdant heart of the Appalachian mountains. >View photos of this Asheville treehouse under construction in a past post. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your tree house. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville […]

NC tree house builder

NC tree house builder: Picking trees to support your treehouse

NC tree house builder: Picking trees to support your treehouse Are you wondering if you have the right trees to be the perfect foundation for your tree house? World Treehouses’ owner, Adam Laufer, gives you the basics in our latest video. >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.

NC treehouse builders

NC treehouse builders: Building with the grace and beauty of the trees

NC treehouse builders: Building with the grace and beauty of the trees World Treehouses’ lead builders work hard to ensure that our treehouses are designed as works of art, to match the grace and beauty of the trees that are their foundations. Do you want a treehouse in your backyard or up in the back 40? Share your treehouse dreams with us.  >View more photos of this downtown Asheville treehouse. We’ll be posting many more photos in the upcoming weeks. View our blog for even more. And stay tuned for the latest on our new tree house project, which is being built deep in the verdant heart of the Appalachian mountains. >View photos of this Asheville treehouse under construction in a past post. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your tree house. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.

Western NC treehouse builder

WNC’s tree house builders: Worldtreehouses site visit

WNC’s tree house builders: Worldtreehouses site visit World Treehouses’ owner, Adam Laufer, climbs a potential treehouse tree at a client’s site a few weeks ago. Interested in seeing if you have some trees perfect for a treehouse? Contact us at worldtreehouses.com to discuss a site visit. >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is WNC’s tree house builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.

WNC treehouse builders

WNC treehouse builders: Site visit from a copperhead snake!

WNC treehouse builders: Site visit from a copperhead snake! The roof is going up on our Panthertown project! All  the rafters and the ridge beam are recycled barn wood. They say tree house building can be dangerous: hanging from ropes 30 or 40 feet above the ground, maneuvering giant 25-foot beams into trees with nothing more than our ropes to hold them, sliding heavy materials down steep, muddy slopes into gullies, anchoring tall, heavy posts into stones with steel hardware. And then, we have our new friends, like this one. This big, gorgeous copperhead is one of many poisonous snakes we’ve encountered while building our current treehouse in the deep forest in Panthertown. This place is truly wild, and the snakes remind us they are the ones who are really in charge around here! Needless to say, they’ve reminded us to tread lightly. >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree […]

WNC tree house builders

WNC tree house builders: Circular interior windows

WNC tree house builders: Circular interior windows What’s it like to be a bird? When you live in the busy city, it’s an incomparable experience to be above all the hubub, the streets, the houses and look out from your own perch in the trees. Rachel, the owner of her own treehouse nest built by World Treehouses, says, “Inside, my treehouse truly feels like a magical space of sweet solace.” Contact World Treehouses if you want your own treehouse retreat so you can enjoy your perspective, gazing out above it all. Do you want a treehouse in your backyard or up in the back 40? Share your treehouse dreams with us.  >View more photos of this downtown Asheville treehouse. We’ll be posting many more photos in the upcoming weeks. View our blog for even more. And stay tuned for the latest on our new tree house project, which is being built deep in the verdant heart of the Appalachian mountains. >View photos of this Asheville treehouse under construction in a past post. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect […]

Treehouse builders WNC

Treehouse builders WNC: Downtown project beautiful outside corner siding

Treehouse builders WNC: Downtown project beautiful outside corner siding Waves in the tree: similar to the bark of the trees it’s nestled in, our downtown Asheville treehouse’s cedar shake siding is carefully sculpted by the World Treehouses’ builders in a connecting wave pattern that undulates around and around the structure. This is just one of the details making this treehouse, in the words of Rachel, its owner, “a floating work of art”! Do you want a treehouse in your backyard or up in the back 40? Share your treehouse dreams with us.  >View more photos of this downtown Asheville treehouse. We’ll be posting many more photos in the upcoming weeks. View our blog for even more. And stay tuned for the latest on our new tree house project, which is being built deep in the verdant heart of the Appalachian mountains. >View photos of this Asheville treehouse under construction in a past post. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your tree house. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and […]

WNC tree house builder

WNC tree house builder:World Treehouses on the News (Brevard Treehouse)

Want a lasting connection with nature on your property? This WNC tree house builder shares a great example. Have you seen this news clip interview of World Treehouses’ owner, Adam Laufer, on his first treehouse project in Brevard NC, back in the day? Enjoy this blast from the past!     >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.