WNC treehouse builders

WNC treehouse builders : Panthertown Side View with Sheathing

WNC treehouse builders : Panthertown Side View with Sheathing When the wall sheathing goes on, we can view our treehouses like canvases. What will the finished project become? What beautiful elements can be added to the inner and outer walls and deck railings to make the treehouse more than just a structure, but an experience of immersion into the natural world?   >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.

WNC treehouse builders

WNC treehouse builders : Panthertown Treehouse in Nature

WNC treehouse builders : Panthertown Treehouse in Nature Share with us the breathtaking setting of our current project: deep forest filled with rhododendron, laurel, ancient trees and medicinal herbs, with huge stones and a whitewater stream. What a perfect setting for the vintage custom tree house we’re building to overlook it all!   >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.

WNC tree house builder

WNC tree house builder : Panthertown treehouse shapes

WNC tree house builder : Panthertown treehouse shapes Our treehouses have been described more than once as works of art. We like this shot from a month ago of our Panthertown wilderness treehouse under construction. The shapes of the bridge and the vintage framing beams work together with the deck to show how we craft our projects to be masterpieces at every stage of their process.   >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.

WNC Treehouse Builder

WNC Treehouse Builder : Panthertown Workspace Second Floor

WNC Treehouse Builder : Panthertown Workspace Second Floor Here’s a window into the workspace 40 feet up on the second floor of our work-in-progress, a treehouse deep in the forest near Cashiers, NC. Treehouse building is difficult and challenging work, but our WNC Treehouse Builder team loves it when we get to create a project in such a breathtaking setting!   >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.

WNC Treehouse Builder

WNC Treehouse Builder : Picking trees to support your treehouse part 2

WNC Treehouse Builder : Picking trees to support your treehouse part 2 Dreaming of a retreat in the trees? One of the first questions is, do you have trees that would support a treehouse? In this second video of two, World Treehouses owner, Adam Laufer, tells you more about what he and his team look for in selecting the right trees for a treehouse.   >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.

Asheville Treehouse Builder

Asheville Treehouse Builder : World Treehouses’ Panthertown Project Team

Asheville Treehouse Builder : World Treehouses’ Panthertown Project Team Our team and the tools they love: a photographer came by to view our current project in the Panthertown wilderness, and he captured a great shot of our building team and their favorite tools. From left to right, Whitney loves his cordless right angle drill (also known as a “hole hog,”. Michael poses with his giant circular saw, and Adam, as always, is showing off his ropes and pulleys.   >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.

Asheville Tree House Builder

Asheville Tree House Builder : Panthertown Cedar Shake Roofing

Asheville Tree House Builder : Panthertown Cedar Shake Roofing Installing a cedar shake roof 40 feet up still gives our building team a thrill! Although it’s easy to get absorbed in the work or distracted by the breathtaking Panthertown wilderness setting of our current project, we know that safety is the priority as we create our masterpieces in the trees.   >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.

Western NC tree house builder

Western NC tree house builder: Panthertown View from First Floor

Western NC tree house builder: Panthertown View from First Floor This view out from the newly framed first floor captures the vintage flavor of our current project, built with recycled barn timbers and cedar throughout. Are you interested in a treehouse in Asheville or western NC? Check out our website for more about our work.   >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.

NC tree house builders

NC tree house builders : Panthertown First Floor Framing Begins

NC tree house builders : Panthertown First Floor Framing Begins A month ago, the first story post and beam framing went up on our Panthertown wilderness project, using recycled barn wood and cedar. View our site for newer photos of this nearly complete treehouse!   View our project page for newer photos The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.

NC treehouse builders

NC treehouse builders:Framing Panthertown Treehouse

NC treehouse builders: Framing Panthertown Treehouse Last month, our team of NC treehouse builders framed a new treehouse in the Panthertown wilderness area of western North Carolina, near Cashiers. This treehouse is unique in many ways, including its remote location, it’s height from the ground (the second floor is 40 feet up!) and the use of mostly recycled barnwood and trees and branches from the heavily forested property in its construction. Stay tuned for more photos of this exciting project!   >View photos of our recently completed downtown Asheville treehouse. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse. >Learn about our process for building a project. World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects. Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.