Asheville Treehouse Builder

Asheville Treehouse Builder : World Treehouses’ Panthertown Project Team


Asheville Treehouse Builder : World Treehouses’ Panthertown Project Team

Our team and the tools they love: a photographer came by to view our current project in the Panthertown wilderness, and he captured a great shot of our building team and their favorite tools. From left to right, Whitney loves his cordless right angle drill (also known as a “hole hog,”. Michael poses with his giant circular saw, and Adam, as always, is showing off his ropes and pulleys.

Asheville Treehouse Builder
Our team and the tools they love: a photographer came by to view our current project in the Panthertown wilderness, and he captured a great shot of our building team and their favorite tools. From left to right, Whitney loves his cordless right angle drill (also known as a “hole hog,”. Michael poses with his giant circular saw, and Adam, as always, is showing off his ropes and pulleys.


Asheville Treehouse Builder
World Treehouses’ Adam (L) and Michael (R) are the builders of this fine treehouse!

Asheville Treehouse Builder

World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects.

Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.


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